Grad Placements
Completed PhD Dissertations & Placements
Melanie Fenton
- Masters Degree
- Placement: Research Coordinator at the University of British Columbia - Okanagan for a collaborative project on Aging-In-Place
Timothy Bransford
- Dissertation Title: The Energetic Costs of Motherhood in Wild Bornean Orangutans
- Chair: Erin Vogel
- Placement: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Animal Studies at Eckerd College, Florida
Stanislaus Kivai
- Dissertation Title: The influence of mechanical and nutritional properties of foods on feeding in wild juvenile Tana River mangabeys, Cercocebus galeritus, in Lower Tana River Forests, Kenya
- Chair: Ryne Palombit
- Placement: Head Conservation Department, Institute of Primate Research, Nairobi, Kenya
Emily Aronoff Lynch
- Dissertation Title: Patrilineal Kinship in a Matrilocal Society of Olive Baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) in Kenya
- Chair: Ryne Palombit
- Placement: Associate Curator of Research, North Carolina Zoo, Asheboro, North Carolina
Nancy Moinde
- Dissertation Title: The influence of land use practices on baboon-socioecology and human-wildlife interactions in Laikapa District, Kenya
- Chair: Ryne Palombit
- Placement: Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Sustainable Development, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Luca Moreno
- Dissertation title: Behavioral Endocrinology of Wild Male Siamangs
- Advisor: Ryne Palombit
- Placement: Curator of Primates, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
Marc Shur
- Dissertation Title: Hormones Associated with Friendship between Adult Male and Lactating Female Olive Baboons, Papio Hamadryas Anubis
- Chair: Ryne Palombit
- Placement: Chair, Math and Science Dept., Chair, Humanities and Social Science Dept., Berkeley College, New York, NY
- Anthropology, Buffalo University
Timothy Bransford
- Dissertation Title: The Energetic Costs of Motherhood in Wild Bornean Orangutans
- Chair: Erin Vogel
- Placement: Northern Illinois University
Thomas Conte
- Dissertation Title: Steppe Generosity: Cooperation, Labor Sharing, and Generous Giving among Mongolian Pastoral Nomads
- Chair: Lee Cronk
- Placement: Federal Bureau of Investigation
- logy, Buffalo University
Padmini Iyer
- Dissertation Title: Risk management through social networks among male and female pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda
- Chair: Lee Cronk
- Placement: Regional Conflict Analysis Coordinator for the Danish Demining Group - Danish Refugee Council, East Africa and Great Lakes regional office
Shauhin Alavi
- Dissertation Title: Diet, cognition and nutrient balancoing in an orangutan habitat
- Chair: Erin Vogel
- Placement: Max Plank Institute of Animal Cognitive Foraging
Mareike Janiak
- Dissertation Title: Adaptations for Folivory and Insectivory in the Digestive Enzymes of Nonhuman Primates
- Chair: Robert Scott
- Placement: University of Calgary, Postdoctoral Fellow
Meghana Joshi
- Dissertation Title: ?
- Chair: Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Buffalo University
Frank Batiste
- Dissertation Title: Theory of the Mind and the Role of the Target Individuals' Group Affiliation
- Chair: Lee Cronk
- Placement: Instructor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University
E. Marshall Brooks
- Dissertation Title: Disenchanted Lives: Apostasy and Ex-Mormanism among the Latter-Day Saint
- Chair: Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: 2016-2016: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Family Medicine an Population Health, Virginia Commonwealth University
Susan Coiner-Collier
- Dissertation Title: Feeding Ecology and the Trabecular Structure of the Mandibular Condyle in Extant Primates
- Chair: Rob Scott
- Placement: 2016-2017 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Biological Sciences, Notre Dame University
Assaf Harel
- Dissertation Title: "The Eternal Nation does not fear a long road": An Ethnography of Jewish Settlers in Israel/Palestine
- Chair: Daniel Goldstein
- Placement: 2015-2016 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University
Emily Aronoff Lynch
- Dissertation Title: Patrilineal Kinship in a Matrilocal Society of Olive Baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) in Kenya
- Chair: Ryne Palombit
Chaunetta Jones
- Dissertation Title: Between State and Sickness: The Social Experience of HIV/AIDS Illness Management and Treatment in Grahamstown, South Africa
- Chair(s): Peter Guarnaccia and Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: 2014-2015:Research and Evaluation Fellow, FDA Center for Tobacco Products
Robert Lynch
- Dissertation Title: The Evolution of Life History Traits in Iceland 1650-1950
- Placement: Postdoctoral Fellowship on the research of Napoleon Chagnon and the Yanomamo at the University of Missouri
Inga Vekler
- Dissertation Title: "We Left Forever and Into the Unknown": Soviet Jewish Immigrants' Experiences of Transit Migration
- Chair: Daniel Goldstein
Lincoln Addison
- Dissertation Title: Delegated Despotism: Labor, Sex and Spirituality on a South African Border Farm
- Chair: David Hughes
- Placement: 2013-2014: Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of International Development Studies, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia
- 2014: Assistant Professor, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Memorial University (Canada)
Lisa Danish
- Dissertation title: Following," an Alternative Mating Strategy of Male Olive Baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis)
- Advisor: Robert Trivers
- Placement: Postdoctoral research Grant from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) to support her project “Integration of Behavioral, Genetic and Endocrine Data on a Proposed Alternative Mating Strategy in Male Crested Black Macaques (Macaca nigra).”
Simone Delerme
- Dissertation Title: The Latinization of Orlando: Race, Class, and the Politics of Place
- Chair: Ana Yolanda Ramos-Zayas
- Placement: 2013: Assistant Professor at the University of Mississippi in the Departments of Anthropology and Southern Studies
Omotayo Jolaosho
- Dissertation Title:
- Advisor: Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: 2013-2015: Two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for the Humanities, University of California-Merced
- 2015: Assistant Professor, Department of Africana Studies, University of South Florida
Nell Quest
- Dissertation Title: Portside Synaesthetics: Sensing The Politics of Place
- Chair: Fran Mascia-Lees
- Placement: 2012: Research Analyst, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Research Division, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Jay Reti
- Dissertation Title: Methods for Determining Differential Behaviors in Stone Tool Production and Application to the Oldowan Of Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania and Koobi Fora, Kenya
- Chair: Jack Harris
- Placement: 2013: Lecturing at UC Santa Cruz teaching Intro to Human Evolution, and Adjunct Instructor at Santa Rosa College teaching Intro to Physical Anthropology.
Chigusa Yamaura
- Dissertation Title: Locating Marriageable Communities: Cross Border Matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: 2013: Visiting scholar at Oxford University, affiliated with the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies
Luca Morino
- Dissertation title: Behavioral Endocrinology of Wild Male Siamangs
- Advisor: Ryne Palombit
- Placement 2013: Postdoc, Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Japan. Luca’s research investigates small ape (gibbons and siamangs) cognition.
Kari Prassack
- Dissertation Title (2012): The Paleoenvironmental Utility of Fossil Birds from Bed I and Lowermost Bed II (Plio-Pleistocene), Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Advisor: Rob Scott
- Placement: Chief Paleontologist/Curator at Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument (National Park Service)
Helen Wasielewski
- Dissertation title: Social Learning Mechanisms of Cultural Evolution
- Advisor: Lee Cronk
- Placement: 2015: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
Sarah Wise
- Dissertation Title: Conservation, Enclosure, and the Language of Ownership in the Bahamas
- Advisor: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: 2013: Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Bremen (Germany)
Chelsea Booth
- Dissertation Title: These People Deprived of This Country: Language and the Politics of Belonging Among Indians of Nepali Descent
- Chair: Laura Ahearn
- Placement: Public Health Advisor, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Fatimah Williams Castro
- Dissertation Title: The Politics and Everyday Experience of Race in Post-Constitutional Reform Colombia
- Chair: Ana Ramos-Zayas
- Placement: 2011: Partnership Coordinator of the New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids - New Brunswick, a statewide program for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- 2014: Founder, Beyond the Tenure Track
Emily McDonald
- Dissertation Title: Risky Embodiments: Momentum and Transnational Medical Travel in the Paris of South America
- Chair: Fran Mascia-Lees
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, John Jay College (CUNY)
- 2012: Postdoctoral fellow in the Tobacco Control Program, Department of General Medicine, at the University of California, San Francisco
Emmanuel Ndiema
- Dissertation Title: Mobility and Subsistence Patterns Among Mid-Holocene Pastoralists at Koobi Fora, Northern Kenya, New Archaeological Sites and Evidence from Obsidian Sourcing and Geochemical Characterization
- Chair: John W.K. Harris
- Placement: 2011: Research Scientist, National Museum of Kenya
Jane Park
- Dissertation Title: Locating Korean American Adoptees: Race, Emotion, And Out-Of-Place Subjectivity
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Bloomfield College
Sarah Schaefer
- Dissertation Title: Personality, Subjective Well-Being , and Vocal Communication in Captive Male Western Lowland Gorillas
- Chair: Dieter Steklis
- Placement: Adjunct Faculty, Central Michigan University's Global Campus
Stephen Merritt
- Dissertation Title:Controlled butchery observations as a means for interpreting Okote Member hominin carnivory at Koobi Fora, Kenya.
- Chair: John W.K. Harris and Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Bria Dunham
- Dissertation Title: Applications of Signaling Theory to Contemporary Human Courtship
- Chair: Lee Cronk
- Placement: 2010: MPH student with a concentration in Global Health Leadership, New York University
- 2013: Assistant Professor, Department of International and Global Studies, Mercer University
- 2015: Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Health and Rehabilitive Sciences, Boston University
Drew Gerkey
- Dissertation Title: From State Collectives to Local Commons: Cooperation and Collective Action Among Salmon Fishers and Reindeer Herders in Kamchatka, Russia
- Chair: Lee Cronk
- Placement: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington
- 2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Oregon State University
Michael Pante
- Dissertation Title: The Larger Mammal Fossil Assemblages from Beds III and IV, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: Implications for the Feeding Behavior of Homo Erectus
- Chair: Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Research Fellow, Institute of Archaeology, University College London
- 2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Colorado State University
Satsuki Takahashi
- Dissertation Title: Surviving Modernization: State, Community, and the Environment in Two Japanese Fishing Towns
- Chair: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University
- 2015-2016: Toyota Visiting Professor, Center for Japaneses Studies, University of Michigan
- 2016: Assocoate Professor, Faculty of Humanity and Environment, Hosei University (Japan)
Adam Heinrich
- Dissertation Title: A Zooarchaeological Investigation into the Meat Industry Established at the Cape of Good Hope by the Dutch East India Company in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
- Chair: Carmel Schrire
- Placement: Monmouth University
Arpita Chakrabarti
- Dissertation Title: A Fine Balance: Remaking Muslim Modernity and Religious Practices in Delhi and New York City
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Research Associate, India
Christopher Lepre
- Dissertation Title: Plio-Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Paleogeography for Hominin Remains from Areas 130 and 133, Koobi Fora, Kenya
- Chair: Craig Feibel
- Placement: Adjunct Faculty in Anthropology, William Paterson University
Sarasij Majumder
- Dissertation Title: “Peasants” Against the Nano? Neoliberal Industrialization and the Land Question in Marxist-Ruled West Bengal, India
- Chair: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Asian Studies & Anthropology, Kennesaw State University
Debarati Sen
- Dissertation Title: From Illegal to Organic: Fair Trade Organic Tea Production and Women's Political Futures in Darjeeling India
- Chair: Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
Sharon Baskind-Wing
- Dissertation Title: Reclaiming Rural Character: Conservation, Conflict, and Nostalgic Landscapes of Orcas Island, WA
- Chair: David Hughes
- Placement: Associate Director of Institutional Advancement, American Museum of Natural History
Dillon Mahoney
- Dissertation Title: The Art of Connection: Negotiating the Digital Divide in Kenya’s Curio Industry
- Chair: Angelique Haugerud
- Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of South Florida-Tampa; 2013-2015
Jack McCoy
- Dissertation Title: Ecological and Behavioral Implications of New Archaeological Occurrences from Upper Burgi Exposures at Koobi Fora, Kenya
- Chair: John W.K. Harris
- Placement: Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ
Edgar Rivera Colón
- Dissertation Title: Getting Life in Two Worlds: Power and Prevention in the New York City House Ballroom Community
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Assistant Professor of Clinical Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Johnelle Lamarque
- Dissertation Title: The Making of a Waterfront Suburb: An Ethnography of Coastal Gentrification in New Jersey
- Chair: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: Research Analyst, Utah Department of Health
Marc Shur
- Dissertation Title: Hormones Associated with Friendship between Adult Male and Lactating Female Olive Baboons, Papio Hamadryas Anubis
- Chair: Ryne Palombit
- Placement: Full-Time Professor, Berkeley College
Montserrat Soler
- Dissertation Title: The Faith of Sacrifice: Commitment and Cooperation in Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian Religion
- Advisor: Lee Cronk
- Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati; currently teaching at Montclair State University
- Lecturer and Assistant Researcher, Department of Anthropology, University of California at Santa Barbara
- list – Human Origins, The Smithsonian Institution
Christopher Campisano
- Dissertation Title: Tephrostratigraphy and Hominin Paleoenvironments of the Hadar Formation, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Chair: Craig Feibel
- Placement: Assistant Professor - Institute of Human Origins & School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
Ju-Chen Chen
- Dissertation Title: Capital Dreams: Global Consumption, Urban Imagination and Labor Migration in Late Socialist Beijing.
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Lecturer in the department of Anthropology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dorothy Gioia
- Dissertation Title: Scientific Vision and Spiritual Sense: Scientists’ Attitudes Toward Religion, Science, and Their Own Work
- Chair: Warren Shapiro
- Placement: Associate Director, English Writing Program, Rutgers University
Noelle Molé
- Dissertation Title: Protection and Precariousness: Workplace Mobbing, Gender and Neoliberalism in Northern Italy
- Chair: Laura Ahearn
- Placement: Lecturer, Princeton Writing Program & Department of Anthropology, Princeton University
Ronald Smith
- Dissertation Title: An Individual Based Comparative Advantage Model: Did Economic Specialization Mediate the Fluctuating Climate of the Late Pleistocene during the Transition from Neanderthals to Modern Humans?
- Chair: Susan Anton
Darine Zaatari
- Dissertation Title: Individual Biological Traits and Behavior in Economic Games in Two Populations: Lebanon and Jamaica
- Chair: Lee Cronk
- Placement: Project Director, Biosocial Research Foundation
Rowena Magid
- Dissertation Title: Isotopic Evidence of the Consumption of C(4) Plant Material by Deer in the Lowe Illinois River Valley and Its Implications for Deer Management by the Middle Woodland Amerindian Population
- Chair: Susan Cachel
- Placement: Science Teacher and Department Head, Hillel Yeshiva High School
Briana Pobiner
- Dissertation Title: Hominin-Carnivore Interactions: Evidence from Modern Carnivore Bone Modification and Early Pleistocene Archaeofaunas (Koobi Fora, Kenya; Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania)
- Chair: Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Education Programs Specialist – Human Origins, The Smithsonian Institution
Mona Bhan
- Dissertation Title: Visible Margins: State, Identity & Development among Brogpas of Ladakh (India)
- Chair: Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: 2006: Assistant Professor, DePauw University
- 2015: Associate Professor, DePauw University
David Braun
- Dissertation Title: The Ecology of Oldowan Technology: Perspectives from Koobi Fora and Kanjera South
- Chair: John W.K Harris
- Placement: Associate Professor, Anthropology, Baylor University
Hillary Pielet Delprete
- Dissertation Title: Secular Changes in the Morphology of the Modern Human Pelvis and the Implications for Human Evolution
- Chair: Susan Cachel
- Placement: 2015: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Monmouth University.
Jackson Njau
- Dissertation Title: The Relevance of Crocodiles to Oldowan Hominin Paleoecology at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Chair: Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences, Paleoanthropology, Paleontology, Indiana University-Bloomington
Susan Swiat Yorke (Passed away in 2009)
- Dissertation Title: More Things of Heaven on Earth: Reading Ancient Landscapes of the Americas
Chair: Robin Fox & Wendy Ashmore
Debra Curtis
- Dissertation Title: Globalization and Sexuality: Coming of Age on Nevis
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Salve Regina University
Elizabeth Jordan
- Dissertation Title: “From Time Immemorial”: Washerwomen, Culture, and Community in Cape Town, South Africa
- Chair: Carmel Schrire
- Placement: Preservation Program Manager/Archeologist, Virginia Department of Transportation
Rhonda Quinn
- Dissertation Title: Stable Isotopic Evidence for Plio-Pleistocene Hominin Paleoenvironments of the Koobi Fora Formation, Turkana Basin, Northern Kenya
- Chair: Craig Feibel
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Loyola University
Dorothy Weaver
- Dissertation Title: The Difference It Makes: Contested Gender and the Production of Religion
- Chair: Louisa Schein
Dawn Ekdahl
- Dissertation Title: Social and Ecological Effects on Endoparasites in Vervet (Cercopithecus Aethiops) and Patas (Erythrocebus) Monkeys in Laikipia, Kenya
- Chair: Susan Cachel
- Placement: Self-employed, Nature and Conservation Photographer
Purity Kiura
- Dissertation Title: An Ethnoarchaeology and Stable Isotope Study on the Diets of Three Modern Groups of People in Northern Kenya
- Chair: John W.K. Harris
- Placement: Head of Archaeology, National Museums of Kenya
Jessica Libove
- Dissertation Title: Dancing a Fine Line: Gender, Sexuality, and Morality at Women’s Tours in Dakar, Senegal
- Chair: Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: Consultant/Researcher, Context Research
Christoph Norton
- Dissertation Title: Taphonomic Perspectives on the Subsistence Patterns of Late Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers in Northeast Asia
- Chair: Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Nia Parson
- Dissertation Title: Gendered Suffering and Social Transformations: Domestic Violence, Dictatorship, and Democracy in Chile
- Chair: Dorothy Hodgson & Peter Guarnaccia
- Placement: Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Dedman College, Southern Methodist University
Amy Jacobson
- Dissertation Title: The Effect of Fluctuating Asymmetry and Attractiveness on Self-Perception, Self-Deception, and Preferences for Others in Rural Jamaica
- Chair: Robert Trivers
- Placement: Instructor, Rutgers University
Joanne Tactikos
- Dissertation Title: A Landscape Perspective on the Oldowan from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Chair: John W.K. Harris & Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Field Director - Lithic Analysis, ACS Archeological Consulting Service
Sabrina Chase
- Dissertation Title: Mujeres Ingeniosas (Resourceful Women): HIV + Puerto Rican Women and the Urban Health Care System
- Chair: Peter Guarnaccia
- Placement: Primary Care/Health Services Research Fellow, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- 2013: Assistant Professor in the Graduate Joint Urban Systems Program at the UMDNJ School of Nursing, Newark
Sandi Copeland
- Dissertation Title: Paleoanthropological Implications of Vegetation and Wild Plant Resources in Modern Savanna Landscapes, with Applications to Plio-Pleistocene Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Chair: Robert Blumenschine
- Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder
Rebecca Etz
- Dissertation Title: Sounding Out Community: Meanings of Community Identity and Difference among Lesbians Living in New Zealand
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University
Raymond Lefebvre
- Dissertation Title: Hakenasa: The Archaeology of a Rock Shelter in the Altiplano of Northern Chile
- Chair: Craig Feibel
- Placement:
Waranee Pokapanichwong (Passed away in 2003)
- Dissertation Title: Negotiating Rural Subsistence: Cultural Politics and the Commodification of Thai Female Sexuality
- Chair: Uli Linke
Hsiu-Hui Su
- Dissertation Title: Within-Group Female-Female Feeding Competition and Inter-Matriline Feeding Competition in Taiwanese Macaques (Macaca Cyclopis) at Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan
- Chair: Susan Cachel
- Placement: Professor, Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Lisa Vanderlinden
- Dissertation Title: Conceiving Fertility: Ethnic Difference, Reproductive Politics, and the Experience of Infertility in Berlin
- Chair: Uli Linke
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Texas Christian University
- 2013: Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at Texas Christian University
Georgia Kalamida
- Dissertation Title: Music, Politics, and Identity in Greece and the Greek-American Diaspora
- Chair: Robin Fox
- Placement: Professor, Queens College, CUNY
Fionnuala Rose
- Dissertation Title: A Fresh Perspective: Isotopic Evidence for Prehistoric Human Subsistence in the Upper Mississippi River Valley of West-Central Illinois
- Chair: Susan Cachel
- Placement: Research Development Officer, University of Sussex, UK
Andrew Bickford
- Dissertation Title: Command Performance: Militarization, Masculinity, and the State in the German Democratic Republic and Post-Unification Germany
- Chair: Uli Linke
- Placement: Assistant Professor and Co-Director of Graduate Studies, George Mason University
Mzalendo Kibunjia
- Dissertation Title: Archaeological Investigations of Lokalalei (GaJh 5): A Late Pliocene Site, West of Lake Turkana, Kenya
- Chair: John W.K. Harris
- Placement: Director, National Museums of Kenya
Wendy Birky
- Dissertation Title: Mating Patterns and Social Structure in a Wild Group of Formosan Macaques (Macaca Cyclopis)
- Chair: Dieter Steklis
- Placement: Adjunct Faculty, California State University at Northridge
Amy Cushing
- Dissertation Title: The Landscape Zooarchaeology and Paleontology of Plio-Pleistocene Olduvai, Tanzania and Their Implications for Early Hominid Ecology
- Chair: Robert Blumenschine
Ken Mowbray
- Dissertation Title: Growth of the Occipital in Human Evolution: Understanding the Developmental Foundations for Morphological Variability through Experimental Models and Surface Bone Histology
- Chair: Susan Cachel
- Placement: Curatorial Associate, American Museum of National History
Janel Tortorice
- Dissertation Title: Written on the Body: Butch/Femme Lesbian Gender Identity and Biological Correlates
- Chair: Dieter Steklis
- Placement: Lone Star College, Houston, TX
Adriana Greci Green
- Dissertation Title: Performances and Celebrations: Displaying Lakota Identity, 1880-1915
- Chair: Robin Fox
- Placement: Northern Michigan University
Robert Marlin
- Dissertation Title: Possessing the Past: Legacies of Violence and Reproductive Illness in Central Mozambique
- Chair: Peter Guarnaccia
- Placement: Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Director of the Coordinated Care Program for Political Violence Survivors
Virginia Cornue
- Dissertation Title: Recognizing Women: Gender, Non-Government Organizations, and Contemporary Change in China
- Chair: Louisa Schein
- Placement: Visiting Instructor, Rutgers University
Zaibette Maldonado
- Dissertation Title: Coping with Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards in Loiza, Puerto Rico
- Chair: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
Violetta Zentai
- Dissertation Title: Exchange of Values and Circulation of Meanings: Social Imagination on Money and Wealth in Post-Socialist Hungary
- Chair: Uli Linke
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Central European University
Robert Blinkoff
- Dissertation Title: Creating and Maintaining Access Fields in Sokamin, Papua New Guinea
- Chair: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: President, Context Research Marketing
Barbara Jones
- Dissertation Title: Bogged Down: The Issue of Wetland Expansion for New Jersey and Massachusetts Cranberry Growers, Environmentalists, and Regulators
- Chair: Bonnie McCay
- Placement: Assistant Professor, Brookdale Community College
Paige West
- Dissertation Title: The Practices, Ideologies, and Consequences of Conservation and Development in Papua New Guinea
- Chair: George Morren & Dorothy Hodgson
- Placement: Professor, Barnard College
Stacey Jordan
- Dissertation Title: The “Utility” of Coarse Earthenware: Potters, Pottery Production, and Identity at the Dutch Colonial Cape of Good Hope, South Africa (1652-1795)
- Chair: Carmel Schrire
- Placement: Principal, AECOM