Students interested in applying to study in the graduate anthropology program as non-matriculated (non-degree) students should arrange to meet with the Graduate Director. For contact information, please click the Graduate Program category on the Anthropology Department home page. For the meeting, you should bring a copy of your undergraduate transcript (an unofficial copy will suffice) and a recent CV or resume.
If the Graduate Director approves, you can apply online, and the director will advise you on which courses you are allowed to register for. You will still, however, need to contact each course instructor to request permission to take his or her class as a non-matriculated student. If s/he agrees, s/he will give you a special permission number for registration purposes. You will then have to register in person with the graduate registrar.
Please note that you may only take up to 12 credits of graduate coursework as a non-matriculated student. Moreover, there is no guarantee of being accepted into our graduate program if you take non-matriculated courses.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Graduate School's "Non-Degree Graduate Study Office" (732/932-7743), the Graduate Program Secretary (Penny Burness,