Research Affiliates
Fatimah Williams Castro
- Degree and University: Ph.D., Cultural Anthropology, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, 2011
Andrea L. DiGiorgio
- Postdoctoral Researcher (Rutgers University), Lecturer (Princeton University)
- Specialization: Primate behavior, nutritional ecology, conservation
- Degree and University: Ph.D., Anthropology, Boston University 2019
Elise J. Laugier
- Elise J. Laugier
- NSF Postdoctoral Fellow - Visiting Scientist
- Specialization: Environmental archaeology, land use, paleoethnobotany, geospatial approaches, Southwest Asia
- Degree and University: PhD, Dartmouth College, 2021
Jason Lewis
- Director of the Turkana Basin Institute and Research Associate, SAS
- Annual Lecturer in Anthropology
- Specialization: hominin evolution and ecology, Old World prehistory, zooarcheology; Africa, Europe
- Degree and University: PhD, Stanford University, 2011
Caitlin A. O'Connell
- Specialization: Primate behavior and ecology, sociality, life history, energetics, parasitology, conservation
- Degree and University: Ph.D., Anthropology, Boston University, 2018
Riley, Kathleen
- Kathleen Riley
- Assistant Teaching Professor, SAS
- Specialization: Linguistic anthropology, language socialization, language ideologies, multilingualism, food and language, gender and sexuality, Marquesas, French Polynesia, France, la francophonie.
- Degree and University: PhD, The City University of New York 2001
- Office: Ruth Adams Building Room 316
Kathleen (Kate) C. Riley is a cultural and linguistic anthropology and has conducted fieldwork in the Marquesas, Vermont, France, Montreal, and NYC. Her research has focused on the relationship between language ideologies and language socialization, language shift, and culturally constructed social identities (indigeneity, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality). Recently she has been looking with special interest at how food and language are interrelated both materially (rhetorical approaches to food justice and sustainability) and symbolically (food as an embodied system of communication). She is also much involved through the AAA with issues related to language and social justice.
1979 Cornell University BA Anthropology/English
1984 Columbia University MA Cultural Anthropology
1987 City College of New York MA Creative Writing
2001 Graduate Center CUNY PhD Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology
7/02-6/03 Richard Carley Hunt Fellowship (Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant #6890) -- To aid research and writing on "The Emergence of Dialogic Identities: Transforming Heteroglossia in the Marquesas, French Polynesia".
12/92-12/93 Wenner-Gren Foundation Predoctoral Grant (#5551) -- For field research on language socialization and the construction of Marquesan identity in French Polynesia.
12/92‑12/93 National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant (#9216722) -- For field research on language socialization and the construction of Marquesan identity in French Polynesia.
2019 (with Amy Paugh) Food and Language: Discourses and Foodways across Cultures. New York: Routledge.
Edited Volumes:
2017 Co-editor (with Jillian R. Cavanaugh), “Semiotics of Food-and-Language.” Special issue of Semiotic Review 5.
2013 Co-editor (with Christine Jourdan), « Glocalisation alimentaire. » Special issue of Anthropologie et Sociétés.
Forthcoming Digesting neoliberal food discourses at an elite elementary school in New York City. Signs and Society.
Forthcoming A language socialization account of multilingual practices observed in four contrasting contexts (with Anna Ghimenton). In Jerry Won Lee, ed., Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness. Routledge.
Forthcoming Interviewing. In James Stanlaw, ed., The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley.
Forthcoming “Don’t Yuck My Yum”: Semiotics and the Socialization of Food Ideologies at an Elite Elementary School. Semiotic Review 5.
2019 Poverty and Children’s Language in Anthropolitical Perspective (with Amy L. Paugh). Annual Review of Anthropology 48:297-315.
2018 Food and Language: Production, Consumption, and Circulation of Meaning and Value. (with Martha Karrebæk and Jillian R. Cavanaugh). Annual Review of Anthropology 47: 17-32.
2017 Language Socialization in Francophone Communities. In Patricia A. Duff and Stephen May, eds., Language Socialization, 3rd Edition. (Series: Encyclopedia of Language and Education). Pp. 363-380. Cham: Springer International. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02327-4_31-1
2017 (with Jillian Cavanaugh) Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Food Research Methods. In Research Methods for Anthropological Studies of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 2: Food Culture: Anthropology, Linguistics, and Food Studies. J. Brett and J. Chrzan, eds. Pp. 131-142. New York: Berghahn.
2017 Tasty Talk, Expressive Food: An Introduction to The Semiotics of Food-and-Language (with Jillian R. Cavanaugh. Semiotic Review 5.
2016 Learning to Exchange Food and Talk in the Marquesas. In Making Sense of Language, 3rd ed., Susan Blum, ed. Pp. 143-153. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2016 (with Netta Avineri, Susan D. Blum, Eric Johnson, and Ana Celia Zentella) The Gap that Won’t Be Filled: An Anthropolitical Critique of the Language Gap. Anthropology News.
2016 New and Emergent Languages. In Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology. Susan Bonneville, ed. Pp. 262-276. New York: Routledge.
2014 Language Socialization. In Manual of Language Acquisition, Christiane Fäcke, ed. (Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics, Günter Holtus and Fernando Sánchez Miret, eds.). Pp. 69-86. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter.
2014 (with Jillian Cavanaugh, et al.) What Words Bring to the Table: The Linguistic Anthropological Toolkit as Applied to the Study of Food. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(1) : 84-97.
2013 L’idéologie hétéroglossique et l’identité dialogique à Montréal. In Idéologies linguistiques et discriminations (Actes du colloque du Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique, Rennes, June 2009, Carnets d'Atelier de Sociolinguistique), C. Trimaille & J.-M. Eloy, eds. Pp. 59-83. Paris: Harmattan.
2013 Fêtes traditionnelles et festivals glocalisés aux Marquises : Utilisation des systèmes alimentaires syncrétiques pour forger des identités hybrides. Anthropologie et Sociétés 37(2): 91-111.
2011 Language Socialization and Language Ideologies. In Handbook of Language Socialization, A. Duranti, E Ochs, and B.B. Schieffelin, eds. Pp. 493-514. Malden MA: Blackwell.
2009 Who Made the Soup? Socializing the Researcher and Cooking Her Data. Language and Communication 29(3): 254-270.
2008 Language Socialization. In Handbook of Educational Linguistics. Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult, eds. Pp. 398-410. Malden MA: Blackwell.
2007 To Tangle or Not to Tangle: Shifting Language Ideologies and the Socialization of Charabia in the Marquesas, F.P. In Consequences of Contact: Language Ideologies and Sociocultural Transformations in Pacific Societies, Miki Makihara and Bambi B. Schieffelin, eds. Pp. 70-95. New York: Oxford University Press.
Language, Culture, and Society
Language and Social Diversity
Language, Food, and Society
Methods and Analysis in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
Learning an Endangered Language
Language, Gender, and Sexuality
Anthropology of Europe
Anthropology of Development
Johnson VT | |
Sarah Schaefer
- Degree and University: Ph.D. Evolutionary Anthropology, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, 2011
Dissertation: Personality, Subjective Well-Being, and Vocal Communication in Captive Male Western Lowland Gorillas
Darshana Shapiro
- Visiting Research Associate
- Degree and University: PhD, Rutgers University, 2016
Dissertation: Characterizing density and anisotropy in the trabecular architecture of the primate ilium and ischium
Cathryn Townsend
- Degree and University: B.A., University of South Africa; M.A., Goldsmiths-London (United Kingdom); Ph.D., UCL-London (United Kingdom)
Helen Wasielewski Schaffer
- Degree and University: Ph.D., Evolutionary Anthropology, Rutgers University, 2012
Andrew Sillen
Degree and University: PhD, University of Pennsylvania (Anthropology), 1981
Specialization: Early hominin growth, diet, and landscape use; Pleistocene archaeology of Southern Africa; trace element and isotopic analysis of fossil skeletal tissue.
Van Horn, Andrew
- Andrew Van Horn
- Visiting Research Associate/Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept. of Physics, Case Western Reserve University
- Specialization: digital humanities, cooperation, art, artificial intelligence, human evolution
- Degree and University: Ph.D., Anthropology, Temple University, 2019