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Speaker Mariam Durrani, "The Imperial Optic: College Students, Reaializaiton and the War on Terror in Lahore and New York City"
Friday, September 24, 2021, 01:00pm
Hits : 582
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This talk focuses on the imperial optic as a conceptual orientation to understand how college students are racialized by US “war on terror” policies and programs in the US and in Pakistan. Focusing on youth lived experiences across two contexts, the talk ethnographically maps out the ways in which processes of imperial racialization in higher education are shaped by US imperial geopolitics. It is based on multi-sited research (2013-2019) with Pakistani Pashtun college students at a private university in Lahore, Pakistan and with Pakistani Diaspora college students at a public college in New York City.


Mariam Durrani is an assistant professor of anthropology at Hamilton College. As an interdisciplinary scholar of global racialization, her research engages with migration studies, digital media studies, and critical education studies through academic, public, and multimodal feminist research in the U.S. and Pakistan.